Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why are physically attractive people more intelligent than others, on average?

Research has shown that people who are regarded as physically attractive also tend to be seen as more intelligent. And it has often been noted that attractive children tend to receive higher grades in school. Although the later finding has been interpreted as evidence of teacher bias, an economic analysis of the informal market for marriage partners suggests that better-looking children may actually e smarter. Evolutionary psychologists Satoshi Kanazawa and Jody Kovar, for e.g. offer persuasive evidence for the following four propositions:

1) More intelligent men tend to achieve higher social status and higher incomes.

2) Men generally regard physically attractive women more desirable for marriage partners

3) Women generally regard men with higher incomes and higher social status as more desirable marriage partners.

4) Both intelligence and physical attractiveness are traits with significant heritable components.

If the first three propositions are true, then it follows logically that relative attractive women will pair up disproportionately with relatively intelligent men. And if both beauty and intelligence are heritable, then the offspring of such unions will tend to display above-average value of both traits. In short… the hypothesis that beauty and rains go together does not appear far-fetched

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